Sand Hill Cranes || 2/28-3/2
Come on the Second camping trip of the semester, we will shred the dunes ( avoiding the sand worms) view the cranes flying off into the sunset and explore bishops castle
Cap: 20
Leave time 5pm
drive time 5hr
Led By: Jared
Signup will go live on 2/24 at 7pm
Ice Skating @ Evergreen Lake || 3/2
Want something outdoorsy to do but not feeling like you want to commit to the whole weekend? Come on a fun half day on Sunday to Evergreen and skate on a frozen lake! There are ice skate rentals available if you don't have your own. Evergreen is a lovely mountain town with cute shops and great restaurants as well.
Cap: 15
Leave time TBD
drive time 1hr
Led By: Naomi
Signup will go live on 2/24 at 7pm
Yurt Trip || 2/28-3-1
Description: We will be leaving on Friday February 28 to snowshoe to a backcountry yurt near Lower Montgomery Pass in Gould, CO. A 3 mile snow shoe in to a secluded backcountry yurt complete with electricity, wood burning stove, bunks, and a kitchen. Winter camping without freezing!
Cap: 10
Leave time: 12:30
drive time: 2hr
Led By: Ben
Signup will go live on 2/10 at 7pm